Gain something from anything………

Neeti Karwa
2 min readMay 3, 2021


Just look at it. See, focus, and gain.

Watch, look and focus, you will see something deep, In everything when you will look at it you will gain something.

Didn’t get it??

Ok, let’s go through a practical example that will make you more clear.

When we just see a pen, it’s a metallic body in that we see a refill. Now if we remove the refill from the pen, will the pen work?? Absolutely not. Now it’s again a metallic body. Similarly imagine that pen is you and refill is your mind. Now relate the situation.

Did you get it? I hope yes.

When we remove our mind from the body, will our body work?


What do we get from the story is that we need to keep our mind at each second with us. If we do not we are not of use.

This was an example now what do we get.

We get that everywhere we need to keep observing. Anything we find even a ball, a bag, a desk gives us a brief lesson.

Just look at what you see, anything you will find in this world will teach you something.

Inspiration is spread everywhere in the world if we focus and look at it it’s magic.

“Anyone in this world cannot stop you learn” -Neeti karwa

