The brain poem…

Neeti Karwa
Dec 9, 2023


With lots of stuff inside I am alive,

The number of neurons is more than the number of bees in a hive.

Distraction takes place in me sometimes,

but my thinking is as sweet as limes.

I am small and the globe is so vast,

But I can capture things so fast.

The journey is big and time so less,

so, use me or you will be a mess!

use me smartly or it will be a waste,

if it's not a waste then you are the best.

I am present in everyone,

if you use me, there is much you can learn.

with moving time, make me strong,

if I am good, your life is long.

better is me when better you are,

I am within you and not so far.

~Neeti karwa.

