Time and love…:)

Neeti Karwa
2 min readDec 17, 2023


Once upon a time, different feelings such as happiness, sadness, love, knowledge, etc. lived on an island. One day, they discovered that the island was going to sink soon and all the feelings became worried. They decided to leave the island with pre-constructed boats, except for Love. When the island started to sink, all the feelings left on their boats. Love asked Richness to take him in his grand boat, but he refused because it was already filled with gold and money. Love then requested Sadness to take him along, but he wanted to be alone as he was feeling very sad. Happiness passed him by without paying attention to him, as he was too joyful to notice. Feeling sad and helpless, Love heard a voice calling him and offering him a ride. It was Time who had come to his rescue. Love felt relieved and grateful but forgot to ask who the voice belonged to. He asked Knowledge who brought him to the safe boat, and he replied that it was Time who did so. Love then asked why Time helped him, and Knowledge replied with great wisdom, “Only Time knows the value of Love.” The moral of the story is that we should value and appreciate the love that others have for us. We often realize the value of love and care in the absence of loved ones, and Time knows this better than anyone else.

~Understand the value of love just like time, the same way only time can understand the importance of love, in the same way should we. because it is not granted!

